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AL Habib Asset Allocation Fund is an open-ended fund which aims to provide returns to investors with diversified portfolio of investments including both debt and equity investment as per the market condition to provide best returns with less volatility. The fund may invest up to 90% in equity securities or up to 90% in debt securities according to market conditions. There is no lock-in period, investor can withdraw their investment during cut-off timings without any penalty.

Investment Objective

AHAAF provides risk adjusted competitive returns to its investor by investing in multiple asset classes based on market outlook.

For Investors’ Seeking

  • Exposure to different asset classes

  • Combination of risky and non risky assets

Fund Details

Basic Facts
Launch Date November 08, 2017
Fund Type Open-ended
Fund Category Asset Allocation Scheme
Management Fee 2% p.a.
Fund Manager Mr. Talha A. Siddiqui
Front-end-Load 2% (Management has the discretion to reduce or waive load on any transaction)
Back-end-Load Nil
Benchmark Weighted average daily return of KSE-100 + 6M KIBOR
Dealing Days Monday to Friday
Cut-off Timings Monday-Thursday 9:00 to 3:30 pm
Friday 9:00 to 4:30 pm
Pricing Mechanism Forward Pricing
Allocation of Units (NAV) On realization of funds
Minimum Subscription Initial investment of Rs. 5,000/-
Subsequently Rs. 1,000/- per transaction
Risk Profile High (Principal at High Risk)

Price History

Select period