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AL Habib Money Market Fund (AHMMF) is an open-ended money market fund which maximizes returns of unit-holders by investing in short term, highly liquid, and low risk debt securities having maximum maturity of six months. Weighted average maturity of the portfolio can be up to 90 days. The major portion of investments are made in term of deposits with commercial banks and Government Securities (T-Bills). Furthermore, investments are limited to be in entities or issues rated “AA” or higher, on the other hand, AHMMF will not have any exposure in equities or long-term debt instruments.

Investment Objective

AHMMF provides its unit-holders optimum returns from a portfolio of low risk and short duration assets while being highly liquid.

For Investor's Seeking

  • Short term investment avenues

  • Regular and stable source of income shielded from volatility of long-term fixed income instruments and stock market

  • High liquidity (no lock-in period, investors can withdraw their investments during cut-off timings without any penalty)

Fund Details

Basic Facts
Launch Date December 20, 2021
Fund Type Open-ended
Fund Category Money Market Scheme
Fund Manager Mr. Ahmed Abbas
Management Fee 10% of the gross earnings of the scheme
Front-end-Load 3% (Management has the discretion to reduce or waive load on any transaction)
Back-end-Load Nil
Benchmark 70% three (3) months PKRV rates + 30% three (3) months average deposit rate of three (3) AA rated scheduled banks
Dealing Days Monday to Friday
Cut-off Timings

a) For Regular Transactions 09:00 am to 04:30 pm
b) For same day Redemptions till 09:30 am

Pricing Mechanism Backward Pricing
Allocation of Units On Realization of Funds
Minimum Subscription Initial investment of Rs. 5,000/- (Subsequently Rs. 1,000/- per transaction)
Fund Stability Rating AA+(f) by VIS
Rating Date December 30, 2022
Risk Profile Very Low (Principal at Very Low Risk)

Price History

Select period